Chemist Review – How to Visually Learn Organic Chemistry

Few subjects instill more fear than organic chemistry, with its labyrinthine nomenclature and perplexing stereochemistry. However, learning this information doesn’t have to be intimidating. You can use visual-learning techniques to help you store away this complex information the first time.

Course Chemist Review process was designed using a rubric that addressed 5 areas: course layout and integration, learning outcomes, assessment of learning, and resources and materials. Results from the end-of-semester course evaluations indicated potential improvement.

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A course description outlines what students will learn in a particular class, and often includes details about the class structure, assignments and required materials. It is used to help prospective and current students decide whether or not to enroll in the course. It also helps students determine if the course fits their academic or career goals. A course description should be concise and accurate, and should not mislead students about the content or outcomes of the course.

A good course description starts with a clear, engaging title and includes relevant keywords. It should also include information about the instructor, including their qualifications and expertise. It should also include any specific requirements or registration details, such as deadlines or scheduling information. Finally, a good course description should explain how the course content can be applied to real-world situations and provide examples of how it will benefit students’ careers or professional development.

While instructors often focus on course mechanics, such as lesson plan format, grading systems and learning objectives, prospective students are more interested in the benefits they will gain from taking the course. For example, will students earn a certification or improve their job prospects? The course chemistry review is designed to help students find the right program to meet their needs.

In addition to providing course descriptions, NLM has several resources for potential students and their families, such as a student guidebook and lab book. This allows students to access their chemistry classes in a more convenient way and provides them with the tools they need to succeed in school. The guides are available for purchase online and can be shipped to students before the start of the semester.


A variety of teaching techniques are employed in this course including lecture and laboratory. Emphasis is placed on the structure, synthesis, and reactions of organic compounds. Prerequisite(s): CHM 121 or CHM 131 and CHM 125.

Instructors are knowledgeable and clear in their explanations of complex chemistry topics. They are also adept at building on student’s understanding of fundamental concepts, which helps in mastering more difficult material. They have also taken great care to organize their course materials and provide helpful resources for students. They have also been careful to prepare detailed, clear study guides for the Regents exams.

In addition to the self-reflection document, the review team members were asked to comment on various aspects of the course, including the primary learning goals and objectives, rationale for the course layout, alignment with curricular outcomes, efforts to ensure consistency within the course, and any perceived learning deficits. They were also asked to comment on the amount of time they thought was spent on each course activity (eg, lecture, discussion).

In general, review teams were satisfied with the process and considered it an important part of quality assurance. However, some comments indicated that more face-to-face interaction was needed between faculty members and the review team. Additionally, some participants suggested that exemplar examples of course changes would be useful to course directors. Another suggestion was that a more systematic approach to yearly reviews of courses be implemented. This could include a more structured rubric and regular face-to-face meetings between faculty members and the review team. This would help to reduce the burden on faculty members and increase the time they have to focus on improving student learning.


The lessons and exercises taught in this course cover topics common to advanced high school chemistry courses. These include atomic structure, molecules, chemical bonds, reactions, and stoichiometry. Students also learn about molecular geometry and stereochemistry. The lectures are delivered by a master teacher, and they are recorded in HD video to allow for easy playback. The videos average about 25 minutes each. They are accessible from the student’s dashboard, and they can be watched as often as needed. The course also includes a series of labs. The labs require a certain amount of laboratory supplies, but students can purchase the supplies a la carte.

The course teaches complex concepts in an intuitive manner and promotes wonder. It uses scientific demonstrations to make the subject more relatable. Its free, self-paced lessons are an excellent resource for those who want to learn the basics of chemistry.

This course on Udemy is designed to help students and hobbyists who have a general interest in chemistry. It offers lifetime access to seven hours of on-demand video and a number of downloadable study resources. It is an ideal choice for those preparing to take a college chemistry class.

This course is a precursor to the Advanced Chemistry Coursera. The course covers topics such as atomic structure, periodic trends, compounds and mixtures, and reaction and stoichiometry. The course is suitable for students and teachers who want to learn more about chemistry and how to teach it to their students. The course is also available on DVD or as a download through The Great Courses and Wondrium. Students will need to have a basic understanding of algebra and geometry. It is a highly recommended course for those who are interested in a career in science or medicine.


A key element of the course is a series of hands-on labs. Students must perform at least 15 of the 26 labs in order to complete the course. The labs require easily obtainable laboratory supplies and supplemental lab demo videos are available when students cannot attend the required lab sessions. The labs also require some background knowledge, such as atomic structure, the Periodic Table of the Elements, and chemical formulas.

The course review process was designed to identify gaps in the quality of teaching, learning, and assessment. This included assessing the current quality status of the course and locating areas for improvement in individual courses, as well as more global areas for improvement. It also examines the extent to which the course focuses on learning objectives, how well the course is structured and organized, and its pedagogical philosophy.

Faculty members involved in this process identified several barriers to change. One was time, which emerged as a significant issue (3 of 8 comments). Another barrier was the belief that faculty should have academic freedom on how they teach their courses.

Ultimately, the goal of the review process is to improve student success by making sure that all students are receiving the same high-quality experience. This can be accomplished by ensuring that all students are exposed to the same material and that the same instructional practices are used for all students.

For example, one exercise developed to supplement the lecture content in a P1 biochemistry course allowed students to apply their knowledge of the molecular basis of diseases by applying the concepts of gout to a patient case scenario. This was a highly successful exercise that showed the potential of using online learning tools to increase student engagement and improve performance.

Final Words

Whether it is the food we eat, the clothes we wear or the cars we drive, we can hardly imagine a product that hasn’t been brought to market through the creative efforts of chemists. This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts and processes that make up chemistry, from the structure of the atom to the properties of molecules and chemical reactions. It also covers simple (tried and tested) theories to explain how atoms combine with other atoms or molecules to form larger molecules, and it considers why and how chemical reactions happen in the way that they do.

The main goal of this course is to get you to apply what you learn rather than just memorize facts. This is why so many worked and practice problems are included with the lecture and section materials. Ask lots of questions – all the time! Scientists always do and your instructor appreciates when you do, too. Be sure to include the word “why” in your answers, and bring all the questions you have to office hours or a study group.

As you work through the lecture and section materials, it is important to note that some topics may not be covered on exams. For example, the solid state crystalline structure problems will probably not appear on Exam 3, and the molecular bonding problems will most likely not be included on the final exam. However, these are still great practice problems to do to improve your understanding of the material. Additionally, if you are having trouble with the math concepts in this class, there is a great review of algebra that will help you out!

Jessica Insley